Creating Your Own Spring Break Without Traveling AnywhereRemember Spring Break as a kid? Maybe you traveled somewhere fun, or maybe you visited family, or maybe you stayed home and played. ready for something to revive and refresh you . . . something to change your perspective and help you get through to the end of the school year.
The questions are useful, but it is your answers that will help you reframe, re-focus, refresh, rejuvenate, and recuperate ? just like spring breaks used to do. In other words, the most important thing to do with these questions is to think about your answers to them.
But when you consider the results you will gain, and that it is a lot cheaper than booking a flight to a spring break destination, you'll realize the time is well worth it. Your answers will help you be more productive and enjoy your days more. Article Source: http://www. articledashboard.com. . Kevin is the Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group (KevinEikenberry.com ), a learning consulting company that helps Clients reach their potential through a variety of training, consulting and speaking services. To receive your free special report on Unleashing Your Potential go to www. kevineikenberry.com/uypw/index.asp or call us at (317) 387-1424 or 888. LEARNER. . . By: Kevin Manufacturing Stay Mentally Fit - Dr. Telemarketing Fraud is Making a Comeback - Financial scams have been around for a long time. Breaking Bad Habits - Habits are energy patterns created through repetition. What is BDSM - When many hear the term BDSM they begin to imagine sinister underground dungeons where by leather wearing pierced masochists impose excruciating pain on their victims. Avoid Too Much Stress Help Yourself To Manage It - Stress is the manner on how your body react to some changes, may it be internal or external. more... |